A Social Media Uniting & Connecting Social Enterprises In
The United Kingdom

About Us - SEUnited

Our Mission

To provide a platform to Social Enterprises where they can establish brand presence, find people willing to join them, & showcase their services and products &

To become a media for freshers, professionals or aspirants willing to join or establish Social Businesses, speak & stand for their causes, build community and promote their ideas and inventions through our powerful features.

Our Vision

To become the den and the source of empowerment for all the Social Enterprises in the World!
To be bale to support Social Enterprises and people aspiring to establish or join them to create a world where people make money not only for the betterment of personal wellbeing but also for making the planet a better place to live for every life!

Our Users

Social Enterprises

Social Entrepreneurs

Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs

Students & Freshers


Job Seekers

Our Story!

As the number of Social Enterprises is rapidly increasing in the United Kingdom as well as in different parts of the World, we are fascinated about the fact that how entrepreneurs are thinking not only of organisational growth, but also, doing something good for the society around them.
This simple thought has given birth to so many ground-breaking ideas that turned into milestone Social Businesses impacting the whole planet positively!
We adore and respect those heroes who were able to make the societies better places to live for its people alongside making profits and creating innumerable employment opportunities and wanted to facilitate them in some way so that they and many other like them can keep up their good work.

So, here we present SEUnited – A Social Media exclusively built and dedicated for Social Enterprises, Established & Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs, and Professionals, Freshers & Students willing to build their career with Social Businesses.

Here you can find reputed Social Enterprises, Entrepreneurs, Job Seekers, Students & Freshers and build a network that revolves around Social Enterprises. Whether you want to work for a cause for your community or trying to set up your own start-up to stay by your people, we have got your back as long you are willing to dedicate yourself towards Social Betterment. 

Post or find job vacancies, read about business and social business, find learning opportunities, placements, internship opportunities, share ideas,  revamp your ideas and strategies, get your fact-checks done, find your dream Social Enterprise to work for, connect with thousands of like-minded individuals and, above all,  grab a chance to – Make a change, a good one!

Seunited About Us - Main Image

SEUnited in Numbers

250 +

Active SEUnited Social Business Profiles

500 +

Active Individual Users

100 +

Jobs Posted By Business

0 +
0 +

Our Team

The Peaople Behind SEUnited

We are a team of individuals from across the globe, diverse culture, ethnicities and religions coming together to form one big family that draws its power from shared ethics, passion for good work that adds value to the society we live in and willingness to create great things and empower others who are up for good work!

Our Association

We are associated with prominent organisations like Stunited.org – A social media facilitating Higher Education & Career, Globally; Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce; University of Northampton, and many others!

We show our deepest gratitude to each of our esteemed associates for their trust and support in our growth towards our goals!